Meet Our Mascot Boaz the Bull

Boaz grew up in the American heartland, but his roots are shtetl deep. He comes from the very best stock – a long line of scholars, schmoozers and roamers whose pedigree reaches all the way back to his legendary forbearer Binyomin the Bull.

Boaz was born to Barak and Bathsheba, a nurturing and gentle couple who gave their young offspring a strong sense of independence and the quiet confidence to dream. He was a sedate and bookish calf, but like his great-great-grandfather before him, learned to balance his love of learning with a passion for people and a yearning for the great outdoors.

Boaz has his eyes turned toward the horizon. His carefree, laidback manner belies an inward ambition to make a difference, to drive himself down the range toward a meaningful goal: creating something of value – a contribution to his community.

Boaz believes that things worth doing are worth doing right. He eschews the empty allure of mass market culture and the easy-but-bland-and-sterile big box store, preferring instead to blaze his own trail as iconoclast, innovator and entrepreneur. He is a fan of the micro batch and the home brew; he buys local but seeks impact on a global scale.

Boaz appreciates a joke. He is sophisticated but not fussy, and he knows not to take himself too seriously. He is a new-experiences junky who soaks up foreign travel and languages and who understands that, despite our differences, we are all the same under the skin.

Boaz is quick with a smile and always eager to extend a helping hand. He is playful and sweet, but serious when it comes to standing up for what’s right. By day, he is active and engaged in the world around him; at night, he sleeps contentedly, secure in having spent his waking hours spreading joy and friendship and light, and renewing the energy he will surely need when the sun rises again.